Thursday, June 9, 2016

Wash N Go Challenge 2016!

Up until 2 years ago, I had the worst time achieving the coveted Wash N Go.  It was chronically frustrating to spend all that time on applying product, and carefully following the magical steps: your heals 3 times, spin around, shimmy, hop on one foot, twirl, do the hustle...oh, and hold your breath!... All to get nothing in the end.  

...I know many type 4 naturalistas are relating to this!  

Summer Wash & Go Challenge VLOG - Click to Watch

After all that, I concluded that my hair wasn't the kind that could retain its curl pattern once it dried... or, so I thought.  One day, after studying up on hair care, porosity, and all that jive, I stumbled upon a cool combo of products that I thought would work well together.  One was suggested to me, and because its ingredients were in line with what I found during my research, I opt to try it.  (Click here to see how they worked)

Fast forward to today, I'm on another quest.  I'm searching for a product that will help me achieve the best Wash N Go (without cocktailing AND still within a 30 minute or less wash & application).  The other product, I'd like to achieve the most FABULOUS Wash N FRO.  Both need to last at least 7 to 10 days, and provide that maximum moisture my mane lives for.  

For somebody who's relatively Wash & Go challenged, I'm pressing my luck, huh?  Well, I'm repping for team type 4 and this is how we roll!!  

That's right ya'll, it's a Summer Time Wash & Go Challenge Showdown!  I asked my Instagram, and YouTube squads to suggest products they want to see put to the test!  Be sure to follow me on either of those platforms and put in YOUR 2 cent!  (yeah the "s" is REAL silent)  

This will be a video series, so subscribe to my YouTube channel to keep up on the latest, and to find out which products make the cut.  I'll see you there!


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