Friday, February 5, 2021

The BEST Organic DIY Recipes for Kinky Coily Curly Hair Textures

After all these years of bringing you content to help you with simple tips on how to style natural hair, how to care for and enjoy it, I finally decided to offer something EXTRA special!  With my recently published e-book, Good Hair Day, you get Organic DIY Natural Hair recipes to help your hair reach it's optimal health, growth, and strength potential.  

Good Hair Day removes the guess work from what's in your natural hair products, and from your wash day routine!  ....And that whole "...what to use when and why", and " my hair growing?" stuff is so 2013; that's over!

True to my usual form, I made it simple by listing your DIY Natural Hair recipes as they might appear in a wash day routine.  This makes it easy for you to select what you want to add to your regimen. SUPER fun!  Did I mention that some of the recipes are also good for skin, AND that I included a shopping list for you?  You're welcome!  tee hee!

Get your copy of Good Hair Day HERE for only $9.97.  This is a SPECIAL OFFER, so get in on it before the price goes up!

What Good Hair Day helps with:
  1. Boosting your wash day routine with nourishing ingredients.
  2. Provides a budget-friendly hair care experience.
  3. Adding versatility with various recipe options.
  4. Encouraging Strong and Healthy hair.
  5. Growth stimulation, nourishment, & hydration.
  6. Making your natural hair wash day a lavish one.  #selfcare #selflove
Get into it!




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